Smart Phones

Best Tricks of Computer Monitoring

There are many tricks to computer monitoring that are in place. Computers can be monitored using a webcam, or by a CCTV camera in the room, they are placed in. Above all, the method that was in place for ages for computer monitoring is by physically monitoring the activities of the target user. But the above-mentioned methods are obsolete, and all of them are to no use by now.

The best solution right now is the use of computer monitoring software.

Old computer monitoring tricks

  • Webcam
  • Physical presence
  • CCTV

Problems with the old methods

It was one of the most common methods that were used in past to monitor the activities of the target user. But the problem with the method was that it does not track the on-screen activities of the target user.

The webcam was only able to record the surroundings of the kid or employer, and not furnishing any meaningful insight into the real-time screen activities which is actually a point of concern for employers and parents.

Physical presence
The monitoring of kids or employees through physical presence is hardly possible. The employers and parents cannot take up the spying function by doing so.

If they try to do it, other commitments and deadlines, and family balance will be compromised. So, incorporating physical presence is not feasible at all.

The use of CCTV cameras for spying on kids and employees is something that is not pretty much on the cards. If an employer wants to monitor employees for all the activities, and if the employee is smart enough, he/she cut off the network access to the CCTV so that activities cannot be recorded.

Moreover, the mischievous employee can physically damage the CCTV apparatus for phasing the possibility of spying out.

The best solution right now for parents and employers
We have discussed the potential solutions that can be incorporated for spying on computers of employees and kids, but they are not that much efficient.

So, the best solution to extensively track the activities of the target user over the computer is by using computer monitoring software.
An efficient computer monitoring software tracks and monitors every bit of communication taking place on the target computing device. There is software that does all the spying, but the finest of all of them is TheOneSpy.

Let’s have a look at the key features of TheOneSpy.

Blocking specific websites
The app allows blocking websites that are not suitable for the kids and employees.

For kids, the websites containing inappropriate and sexually explicit content can be blocked. This will protect the kids from moral and ethical disgrace.

Moreover, websites that are considered to have the presence of cybercriminals can also be restricted for access by the child.

Employers can block websites that affect the productivity of employees. For example, online music and video streaming websites can be added to the blocked URLs list.

Moreover, several social networking websites can also be blocked, as many employees spend a major proportion of their time while surfing social media and chatting with their friends and family.

The keylogger feature identifies the password of all the installed apps on the target computer. This allows knowing the pattern of communication of the child and employer in their network.

Moreover, if an employee is looking to harm the business interests by contacting irrelevant people through social media, the employer can know about the true intentions by using a keylogger.

Productive and unproductive tabs
This feature allows the employer to mark productive and unproductive tabs so that all the activities can be mirrored. This way, the employer will be able to find out what the employee is actually doing during the working hours.

Internal storage tracking
All the internal storage of the target computer can be spied on efficiently. The image, videos, and documents saved can be monitored and viewed at any point in time.

The ways to track computer tracking are discussed. It is found that the best way to track computer activities is by using computer monitoring software. The best service in this aspect is TheOneSpy. It addresses all the needs of parents and employers by all means.

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