
Restaurant Management as a New Feature by SMACC

Food Business is Getting Promoted Worldwide:
In the fast-paced world of 2021, customers are more inclined to buy food from restaurants. Although the dine-in scenario has been affected due to the pandemic, the home delivery scenario has gained wild popularity. The food business is overall accelerating and evolving with the passage of time and nothing can stop its significance.

Significance of Restaurant Management:
In the food business, no compromise is borne in the name of the quality and freshness of food. You must deliver the freshly cooked edibles and items to your customers in the due promised time. It results in critical management of the food business.

Restaurant Management by SMACC:
SMACC is offering the best Restaurant Management among all other software available in the market. It involves multiple levels of management explained below:

Types of Management in Restaurant Management:

  • Following are the types of management in restaurant management:
  • Time Management
  • Resource Management
  • Time Management:

Since it is a food business and the food served must be sizzling hot when served, you need an excellent time management capability of the software utilized. SMACC offers excellent time management for your customers’ satisfaction and a better brand image. When you process the food orders and deliver them timely your customers are super happy and will recommend your restaurant to their peers.

Resource Management:
The resources are meant to be managed by your deployed software. SMACC allows the best kinds of resource management by best possible techniques:

Food Management:
The raw materials and produced goods of food items are all maintained in the inventory’s stock levels. An expired food item is instantly removed and discarded from the system of SMACC. Only food items with fresh manufacturing dates are utilized for the production of final items.

Employee Management:
The employees of your restaurant are well-managed by the SMACC software. Salesmen and supervisor roles are available along with the Manager role for a specific restaurant. Salesmen are allocated specific counters and counters are functional with the uniquely generated key.

Customer Management:
The main target of any business is to manage the requirements of its customers readily. Hence, customer management is handled by SMACC. You can enter the information of each customer in your system and allocate them discounts, promotions, and add-on facilities that they will enjoy. Making the customers happy is of the utmost importance as your entire food business and Restaurant Management depends on that.

Customers can have full flexibility in choosing their desired payment mode. Either they can pay in cash or through the card payments as well as the credit point’s payment introduced by SMACC. Such great customer management improves your business profitability and incoming cash flow of money deliberately.

Level Management:
SMACC introduces the feature of level management which means you can now manage the floors of your restaurant easily. On every level of the building of the restaurant, you can add tables as per your requirement or décor needs. Every table can be allocated several seats for the customers.

When a customer enters the restaurant, the supervisor asks him about the number of persons. As a result, your salesman on the reception counter will allocate the table number to the incoming customer with a polite and hospitable demeanor.

Table Management:
With the feature of table management, SMACC gives you complete control over the handling of your restaurant. You can assign empty tables to new incoming customers while processing their order and delivering it to them on time. Customers do not like to wait or waste their time or money. So understanding their psychology the SMACC offers a fast and reliable system to manage each table on a level. You get the complete view and command over the status of each table and what orders are being served or delivered to your customers.

Kitchen Management:
SMACC also provides the kitchen application for kitchen management. Kitchen management is a separate system that takes care of all the orders being cooked and delivered to the tables with the help of waiters dedicated to serving orders. The kitchen manager keeps an eye on the kitchen portal so that he exactly knows which orders are being prepared and how much time is being consumed. While delivering thousands of food orders in a working day on a busy restaurant, there is no time to pause or rest. The whole system must be ferociously smooth and without any hindrances or limitations. A group printing facility is also available.

Additional Features:
There are many additional and valuable features offered by SMACC listed below:

Promotion: Promotion on specific items are offered with the free quantity or discount percentage based on the warehouse price channel. You can also disable promotions for wholesale customers.

Add-on: Add-on functionality is implemented in SMACC. Price can be updated for the main item but not for the optional or add-on items. Add-on is the availability of certain items in the package with original items of food. For example, food deals can work like magic in your restaurant marketing.

Return: You can also return the invoice on an online counter where the online counter is the counter with online connectivity.

Invoice-Based Searching and Printing: You can search the invoices based on the invoice number and reprint the invoice by SMACC.

Types of Food Order:

There are all the possible types of food orders entertained by the system of SMACC.

  • Dine-in
  • Take Away
  • Delivery
  • Dine-in Order:

This type of order is delivered to the customers while they are seated in your restaurant. This type of order involves great Restaurant Management.

Take Away Order:

This type of order is delivered to the customer through the takeaway window. It is a very popular type of order and requires greater time management capability.

Delivery Order:

This type of order is delivered to the customer at his doorstep. Now these days, it’s the most common type of order and requires your food delivery to remain fresh and hot.

Hence, it is savagely concluded that SMACC provides you with a tremendous system for your management of the restaurant.

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